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The virtual century

Acceleration of a trend of more than 20 years
What’s going on?

Technology has facilitated a great increase in virtual experiences, both internally in companies with their employees as well as externally with their customers. The shift towards virtuality will impact the way we communicate in various areas of our lives, teaching, work, medicine, transactions or consumption. Ref. 1


At this time, it is crucial to simplify and optimize the virtualization of all types of experiences, banks, insurance, e-learning, services and online purchases, among others.
For the retail industry, logistics plays a fundamental role.
When an online purchase of a product is made, the process is long and includes several phases, the challenge is for this process to be as efficient and less expensive as possible.
During the confinement, logistics played a key and complex role due to the rise of eCommerce linked to the closure of physical stores.
It should be noted that, as an example, in Spain, 11.5% of those who bought online during confinement had never bought online before, so it comes into play to think about a user experience that includes the effect of “the first time” of these consumers.
According to a study conducted by Marketplace Pulse, negative ratings on Amazon have multiplied in the last month.

The question is: how much control do you have of the experience?

Adapt to change

Companies that can adapt and use new tools and virtual models will achieve competitive advantages, both in the short and long term.

Innovative and creative solutions

Consider virtual experiences to be close to your buyers, understand what they need and help them, create connections and virtual communities that will generate lasting relationships and, as a consequence, customer loyalty.
Think about new experiences that are not restricted by limitations in the physical sense and how virtual and real experiences can coexist and complement each other.

Count on us, we can help you

At Vertex Ray we collaborate with our clients in the design and development of web & mobile solutions that generate the best user experience.

We maintain long-term relationships with them, companies such as DHL, Ternium, Montes del Plata, Grupo Nodus, Evertec, Technisys and Equivida, among others, trust us.

